Local Calling Guide

Rate centre information

Search by rate centre (exchange) name, region, area code, LATA. Enter full or partial name. Use official postal abbreviations for province/state/territory.

Columbia, SC [Prefix detail]



V: 06901 H: 01589


Includes all or part of:

NPA 803:

200 201 205 206 210 212 213 214 216 217 223 227 231 233 234 237 238 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 260 261 264 269 296 297 299 304 309 312 314 315 318 319 331 333 343 344 348 351 352 354 355 360 361 363 365 369 376 381 382 386 391 394 397 400 401 403 404 407 409 413 414 419 422 429 434 440 445 446 447 451 454 457 461 462 463 465 466 467 470 476 477 479 497 503 509 513 518 521 528 529 530 540 542 543 544 545 546 550 551 553 556 561 562 563 567 569 576 586 587 600 602 603 605 606 608 609 612 622 626 629 636 638 647 654 661 665 667 673 678 683 690 691 695 698 699 704 705 708 714 719 722 724 726 727 728 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 748 749 750 751 753 754 755 758 760 763 764 765 766 767 769 771 772 776 777 779 781 782 783 786 787 788 790 791 794 796 798 799 800 803 806 807 814 822 828 830 832 834 846 849 851 861 862 863 865 870 873 876 880 881 888 896 898 904 907 908 915 917 920 922 923 926 929 931 933 935 936 939 949 954 955 960 966 973 975 977 978 988 995 999

NPA 839:

201 202 213 218 221 223 224 228 238 246 250 252 262 288 292 329 399 810 849 895

See all [Local Prefixes]

Local calling TO: [Reverse direction]

OCNRate centrePlan typeCall typeMonthly limit (minutes)NoteEffective date
Chapin-Little Mountain South, SC     
Eastover, SC     
Lexington, SC     

*If OCN is blank, this indicates the default local calling area for all carriers. If OCN is not blank, then local calling is available for that OCN only.

Last updated: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 15:59:20 UTC

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